What We Do

We're dedicated to promoting creativity and the psychosocial benefits of sewing for everyone in our community.

Partnerships are key to our mission at Wild Stitch Studio. We carefully choose and highly value our partners, as they play a crucial role in our transformative community development. Through sponsorship, partnerships, and donations, we sustain our classes and programs as a not-for-profit, ensuring that we can continue to serve and empower our community.

Reach us on (03) 6224 0244

Locate us in the heart of North Hobart — 313A Elizabeth Street, North Hobart 7000 Tasmania

We open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm

Whittle Ward Palliative Care Week Art Project


Dear Wild Stitch Community:

In celebration of Palliative Care Week this May, the team at Whittle Palliative Care Ward in Hobart are transforming the ward into a beautiful textile garden. 

Their vision includes vibrant yarn bombing with knitted flowers and leaves, a textile tree adorned with personal messages written on paper leaves and hearts, and a charming nest that children can use as a mailbox.

A pond in the common area will be swimming with aquatic life, while fabric or knitted birds, bugs, and other creatures, are needed for patients and families to hang on their doors to signify when they need some quiet time, or simply to hold for comfort.

We are teaming with the ward to bring this project and life and we need your help!

How you can help:

  • Sew or knit birds, bugs, leaves, flowers and aquatic life for the ward
  • Create small garden art pieces
  • or, Sew, knit or crochet palm sized orange hearts (the colour or Palliative Care Week) to be given to patients and families to keep and hold.

When: We will need all items at Wild Stitch Studio by 10 May.

Please let us know if you can help by sending us a message.

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